Friday, April 15, 2016

Been a long day

Hello Muggles,
It has been a pretty boring last couple of days. I've done a little bit of writing but not a whole lot, my weekend is coming up on Sunday and Monday though so I'll hopefully get some more done then. We have a resident at work who is in the process of dying, I've known this woman for over 2 years now and it's been an emotional couple of days. I'm not feeling very good today so I've been dragging ass but I'm going to force myself to work out in a little bit after I put my laundry away. I've been thinking about making myself a website to showcase some of my work and maybe even joining patreon and taking commissions for stories and the like. Anyway, I'm not feeling great and still have shit to do so I'm going to go, I'll write more as soon as I can.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Mandatory Introduction

Hello Muggles!
My name is Allyson, I'm a 26 year old single mom and a writer. I'm a huge dork and a nerd, I love video games, musicals (you should really check out this group on youtube called Team Starkid, they have some amazing musicals!) I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd, I grew up with Harry Potter and I'm passing him on to my son as well, I love to write, camp, hike and just generally go on adventures. I have been going through a lot of changes these last few years and haven't been very happy with how my life has been turning out. To say that this is not where I imagined my life at 26 is an understatement. I've gained a lot of weight, I've gone through a divorce and I'm no stranger to crying myself to sleep at night. I've reached the point where I'm sick of being so miserable all the time. So I've decided to make a change. I recently became a coach with Beachbody and am going to get myself into shape and live a happier healthier life. I decided to start this blog as a way of keeping myself motivated and maybe by sharing my journey I'll help motivate some other people as well. There is a lot of stuff I'll probably end up talking about on this blog, my fitness goals, what is happening in my life right now, how it feels being a single mom, maybe I'll post excerpts from my books that I'm working on. I'm a work in progress and with this blog I'll take you on my journey with me.